Sunday, 16 October 2011

Life in a Big City book 1: PET CONTESTS

Chapter 2
The Training For Daisy

The sound was actually Bobby's Myna bird named Thunder. Jack and Bobby were teaching Thunder how tom sing OH CANADA. Jack and Bobby must have saw one of those signs! We could never let them win, not ever!
Our hopes were set way to high, we just had to win! When Jack and Bobby saw me they laughed so loud and hard that the whole neighborhood could have heard those two boys laughing. " You aren't going to actually enter that LAZY mutt in the contest are you?!" Said Bobby. Bobby was Melody's big brother. " DAISY IS NOT A
LAZY MUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Shrieked Nicole. "YEAH!!!" We chorused. As we stormed away Melody added,
" YOUR BIRD IS ALSO WAAAAAAY OUT OF TUNE!" Then we left to go My backyard with lots of giggling. We took cones, hoola-hoops, bricks, tubes, plastic tubes and planks of wood. Then we went to town to get some 
dog treats and water from a store my uncle owned. When we got back home, we set a big course with the dogs treats and some water at the end of each course. When we were done Daisy had completed the course 18 times in a row! We decided to take a break and go to the park. We passed Melody's house and we saw Jack and Bobby singing with there bird Thunder. They were so out of tune! The four of us started giggling. at the funny sight and terrible tune. I always carry a video camera with me, so I started video taping Thunder, Jack and Bobby singing. The four of us continued our way to the park giggling with sillyness. Nicole siad 
"Hey  I brought a ball with me in my purse let's play ball with Daisy. But then we heard some music from the park! We quickly ran over to see what was going on. And then we saw a crowed huddling under a stage. There was a singer on the stage.......................... But.............. Who was that singer? And what was he doing At our neighbor hood, Willow?...................................................................................................

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